Could it possibly be? Photocopied articles and book chapters haphazardly stacked on my desk, stuffed in drawers and left lying on top of books on their shelves for a year were all organized in a half hour with a few binders and 5-hole plastic sheet protectors. 5 years of daily struggle folding two blankets to the right height for meditation, put to nought with a meditation cushion bought at a store I must have passed 100s of times.
Wherefore the procrastination? Whence came this newfound lucidity?
And you? What half-hour task awaits to unclutter your life, to bring days and months of simplicity and happiness? To the trash bin, old underwear! To the hardware store, drip-drippety sink!
drip drippety? Che vuor di?
Viale delle milizie, vero?
che vuor di’? E’ er sono de’ l’acqua quanno scenne dar rubinetto che c’ha ‘na perdita!